Flags and anthems manual -The Tokyo Organising of the Olympic and Paraolympic Games 2021

Manual de bandeiras e hinos Rio 2016 = Rio 2016 flags and anthems manual - Comitê Organizador dos Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos Rio 2016

Flags and anthems manual - London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paraolympic Games 2012

  • Whitney Smith, Flags: Through the ages and around the World, 1975
  • Whitney Smith, Le bandiere - Storia e simboli, Milano 1975

  • Alfred Znamierowski, The World Encyclopedia of Flags, 1999

  • Flags of Maritime nations, U.S. Navy Department, Washington 1899

  • Flags of all Nations, Admiralty, Londra 1916